paul heaston: livingroom july 2016
paul heaston: livingroom august 2016
paul heaston: master bedroom august2016
paul heaston: dining room sept 2016
paul heaston: front porch august 2016
paul heaston: linda's sewing space in the bedroom august 2016
paul heaston: livingroommarker01small
paul heaston: livingroomabove01small
paul heaston: livingroomchristmas01small
paul heaston: the living room
paul heaston: current studio/guest room
paul heaston: the kitchen
paul heaston: the garage (scanned)
paul heaston: the kitchen (scanned)
paul heaston: the kitchen from the stairs
paul heaston: the new kitchen
paul heaston: our house
paul heaston: in the living room
paul heaston: late night feeding
paul heaston: stairway at home
paul heaston: living room chair
paul heaston: living room
paul heaston: linda crocheting
paul heaston: living room
paul heaston: drillpress01small
paul heaston: garage02mauvesmall
paul heaston: lindacrochetingsepiasmall
paul heaston: masterbath01small
paul heaston: livingroomgrayunfinished01small
paul heaston: lindasewingspace03small