paul heaston: flaming gorge dam pano
paul heaston: flaming gorge reservoir
paul heaston: flaming gorge reservoir
paul heaston: flaming gorge pano
paul heaston: southwestern Wyoming
paul heaston: Wyoming
paul heaston: Wyoming
paul heaston: southern wyoming
paul heaston: southern wyoming
paul heaston: the wind river range of western Wyoming
paul heaston: wind river range
paul heaston: looking back from where we came
paul heaston: a lovely picnic spot in Woming
paul heaston: the view from our picnic spot
paul heaston: jackson from the top of teton pass
paul heaston: Teton pass
paul heaston: from the top of Teton pass
paul heaston: utah lizard
paul heaston: dragonfly
paul heaston: that's good hopping
paul heaston: desert cottontail
paul heaston: a munk of the chip variety
paul heaston: looking down at the campground
paul heaston: Linda's desert attire
paul heaston: Dinosaur Nat'l Monument road
paul heaston: telephoto road madness
paul heaston: dinosaur nat'l monument
paul heaston: dinosaur nat'l monument
paul heaston: dinosaur nat'l monument