paul heaston: at Dave's birthday celebration
paul heaston: at Dave's birthday celebration
paul heaston: at Dave's birthday celebration
paul heaston: at Dave's birthday celebration
paul heaston: at Dave's birthday celebration
paul heaston: at Dave's birthday celebration
paul heaston: Mike at Dave's birthday celebration
paul heaston: me, Mike and Dave
paul heaston: me, Mike and Dave
paul heaston: me, Mike and Dave
paul heaston: me, Dave and Mike
paul heaston: Mike and Dave
paul heaston: Christine
paul heaston: Matt and little Isaiah
paul heaston: me and Janet
paul heaston: yours truly
paul heaston: Isaiah
paul heaston: Isaiah
paul heaston: Janet and Isaiah
paul heaston: S. Congress in Austin on New Year's Eve
paul heaston: S. Congress in Austin on New Year's Eve
paul heaston: Linda on S. Congress in Austin on New Year's Eve
paul heaston: Linda in front of the TX capital
paul heaston: the Texas capital building
paul heaston: Austin
paul heaston: the Texas capital building
paul heaston: Austin
paul heaston: Johnson City