PaulBalfe: Silvereye
PaulBalfe: Grey Fantail
PaulBalfe: Brown Honeyeater
PaulBalfe: Brown Honeyeater 2
PaulBalfe: Brown Honeyeater 3
PaulBalfe: Rainbow Lorikeet
PaulBalfe: Rainbow Lorikeet 2
PaulBalfe: Sacred Ibis
PaulBalfe: Blue-faced Honeyeater
PaulBalfe: Pied Butcherbird - in fine voice!
PaulBalfe: Black-faced Cuckoo-shrike
PaulBalfe: Orange-clawed Fiddler Crab
PaulBalfe: My, what big claws you have!
PaulBalfe: In the Mangroves
PaulBalfe: Whimbrel
PaulBalfe: Bar-tailed Godwit
PaulBalfe: That's a lot of one-legged birds!
PaulBalfe: Orange-clawed Fiddler Crab
PaulBalfe: Graceful in Flight
PaulBalfe: Bar-tailed Godwits
PaulBalfe: Caspian Terns
PaulBalfe: Looking for Breakfast
PaulBalfe: Chasing the Birds ... grrrr!!
PaulBalfe: Little Corellas en masse
PaulBalfe: Whimbrel
PaulBalfe: A butterfly fluttered by ...
PaulBalfe: Dump Chooks can be beautiful
PaulBalfe: On the lookout
PaulBalfe: The silken web
PaulBalfe: This will go well in my burrow ...