Paul_B_1975: Leek over Lake Tittesworth 2
Paul_B_1975: Hen Cloud
Paul_B_1975: Climbing on the Roaches
Paul_B_1975: Trees on the slopes of the Roaches
Paul_B_1975: Gritstone and fir trees
Paul_B_1975: Tree rings and moss
Paul_B_1975: Sharp edge
Paul_B_1975: Heather, gritstone and shadow
Paul_B_1975: The way in
Paul_B_1975: Reflections and spectrums
Paul_B_1975: Moon
Paul_B_1975: Fir trees in the sunlight B&W
Paul_B_1975: Rocks B&W
Paul_B_1975: Hen Cloud B&W
Paul_B_1975: Heather, gritstone and shadow B&W
Paul_B_1975: The way in B&W
Paul_B_1975: Hen Cloud
Paul_B_1975: The Roaches
Paul_B_1975: Morridge, Leek
Paul_B_1975: Mermaid Pool
Paul_B_1975: The Roaches, Leek.
Paul_B_1975: IMG_1262
Paul_B_1975: Shadow on rock
Paul_B_1975: Roaches, Leek.
Paul_B_1975: Roaches, Leek