Paul McClure DC: New Babylon complex, The Hague, Netherlands
Paul McClure DC: Female statue on Department of Justice, The Hague, Netherlands
Paul McClure DC: Moorish-inspired facade, Plein, The Hague, Netherlands
Paul McClure DC: Restaurant buildings on Plein, The Hague, Netherlands
Paul McClure DC: Food kiosk at Plein, The Hague, Netherlands
Paul McClure DC: Babylon Hotel and New Babylon complex, The Hague, Netherlands
Paul McClure DC: Nude female statue, Department of Justice, The Hague, Netherlands
Paul McClure DC: Monument op de Herenbrug, The Hague, Netherlands
Paul McClure DC: Facade detail, Department of Justice, The Hague, Netherlands
Paul McClure DC: Pizzeria Pinocchio, Korte Poten, The Hague, Netherlands
Paul McClure DC: Modern buildings framing Calliopestraat, The Hague, Netherlands
Paul McClure DC: William the Silent statue, Plein, The Hague, Netherlands
Paul McClure DC: Houses and glimpse of skyline, Plein, The Hague, Netherlands
Paul McClure DC: Ornate facade detail, Bezuidenhoutseweg, The Hague, Netherlands
Paul McClure DC: Alley off Bleijenburg, The Hague, Netherlands
Paul McClure DC: Corner building with cupola, Korte Poten, The Hague, Netherlands
Paul McClure DC: Hoftoren and Zurichtoren, The Hague, Netherlands
Paul McClure DC: Open-air urinal in front of Department of Justice, Plein, The Hague, Netherlands
Paul McClure DC: Cafe umbrellas and modern skyline, Plein, The Hague, Netherlands
Paul McClure DC: Art deco details of Nieuwspoort, Lange Poten, The Hague, Netherlands
Paul McClure DC: Fountain in courtyard, Binnenhof, The Hague, Netherlands
Paul McClure DC: Modern building at Hofplaats, The Hague, Netherlands
Paul McClure DC: Glimpse of Ridderzaal through Hofpoort, Binnenhof, The Hague, Netherlands
Paul McClure DC: Architecture of Spui, with a bit of Mondrian, The Hague, Netherlands
Paul McClure DC: Grand corner buidling, Hofweg and Spuistraat, The Hague, Netherlands
Paul McClure DC: Modern building at Hofplaats, The Hague, Netherlands
Paul McClure DC: Fountain in courtyard, Binnenhof, The Hague, Netherlands
Paul McClure DC: Modern passage to Hofpoort from Hofplaats, The Hague, Netherlands
Paul McClure DC: Ridderzaal from Hofpoort, Binnenhof, The Hague, Netherlands
Paul McClure DC: Nieuwspoort and modern building, Lange Poten, The Hague, Netherlands