Patty_kins: So strong...
Patty_kins: St Louis Arch
Patty_kins: St Louis Arch
Patty_kins: St Louis Arch
Patty_kins: D taking pic
Patty_kins: Base of the arch
Patty_kins: Great arch
Patty_kins: Gateway to the West
Patty_kins: Arch Park
Patty_kins: Tourist in St. Louis
Patty_kins: Bank by Frank Lloyd Wright
Patty_kins: designed by Frank Lloyd Wright
Patty_kins: vintage clock
Patty_kins: authentic street sign
Patty_kins: One thing not like the otehrs
Patty_kins: Polk-a-dot diner
Patty_kins: D w/ the Giant
Patty_kins: Green Gemini Giant
Patty_kins: retro police station
Patty_kins: route 66
Patty_kins: D in cloister
Patty_kins: Fountain
Patty_kins: Tower
Patty_kins: strike a pose
Patty_kins: orange cash cow
Patty_kins: Hancock w/ D
Patty_kins: Hancock day time
Patty_kins: a protest?
Patty_kins: orange cow?
Patty_kins: we're at the game