Patti Agapi: In Another Realm
Patti Agapi: Heaven's Tidings
Patti Agapi: In Terms Of
Patti Agapi: Anonymous
Patti Agapi: Two Voices
Patti Agapi: Awareness
Patti Agapi: An Angel's Song
Patti Agapi: As Fair a Bird
Patti Agapi: Transcended
Patti Agapi: Day was Come
Patti Agapi: Fortune/All Her Lovely Hues
Patti Agapi: The Extremes of Love and Insanity
Patti Agapi: The Wave that Runs For Ever
Patti Agapi: Shadow Above
Patti Agapi: #Draw365 2011 #82
Patti Agapi: Lady of the Bleeding Heart
Patti Agapi: Some More Perfect Peace
Patti Agapi: The World
Patti Agapi: #Draw365 2011 #109
Patti Agapi: Mental Origins
Patti Agapi: Devolve
Patti Agapi: The Last Hour
Patti Agapi: She Has Heard
Patti Agapi: Faithful
Patti Agapi: Nevermore
Patti Agapi: Front Facing
Patti Agapi: Sacred
Patti Agapi: Here's My Heart