Patti Agapi: Perchance to Dream
Patti Agapi: Divinity
Patti Agapi: Sweet Dreams of Pleasant Streams
Patti Agapi: Tread Softly
Patti Agapi: All People Dream
Patti Agapi: Life is but a Dream
Patti Agapi: Unravelling, Slowly but Surely
Patti Agapi: Cosmic Bloom
Patti Agapi: Serendipity
Patti Agapi: Deja Vu
Patti Agapi: The Stars Go Waltzing Out
Patti Agapi: The Old Brag of My Heart
Patti Agapi: I am, I am, I am
Patti Agapi: I took a Deep Breath
Patti Agapi: Letting Go
Patti Agapi: Cacophony 1
Patti Agapi: Cacophony 2
Patti Agapi: Cacophony 3
Patti Agapi: Cacophony 4
Patti Agapi: Consequence
Patti Agapi: Indelible