Patsy Jennings:
Magdalen College in the snow
Patsy Jennings:
Patsy Jennings:
Oxford Botanic Gardens Lilypond
Patsy Jennings:
St Cross College, Oxford
Patsy Jennings:
All Souls College
Patsy Jennings:
Passengers on the Brookes Bus
Patsy Jennings:
Water lily
Patsy Jennings:
All Souls College, Oxford
Patsy Jennings:
The Jam Factory, Oxford
Patsy Jennings:
Christ Church College, Oxford
Patsy Jennings:
Carfax Tower, Oxford
Patsy Jennings:
All Souls College, Oxford
Patsy Jennings:
Oxford Sketch
Patsy Jennings:
Radcliffe Camera, Oxford
Patsy Jennings:
Magdalen College, Oxford
Patsy Jennings:
The Radcliffe Ccamera, Oxford
Patsy Jennings:
Eery pink
Patsy Jennings:
Oxford Historic Covered Market
Patsy Jennings:
Oxford Historic Covered Market
Patsy Jennings:
Oxford Historic Covered Market
Patsy Jennings:
Oxford Historic Covered Market
Patsy Jennings:
Oxford Historic Covered Market
Patsy Jennings:
Oxford Historic Covered Market
Patsy Jennings:
Oxford Historic Covered Market
Patsy Jennings:
Oxford Historic Covered Market
Patsy Jennings:
Flickr Oxford Exhibition 2
Patsy Jennings:
Light at the end of the tunnel
Patsy Jennings:
Exhibition Photo
Patsy Jennings:
No Bicycles?
Patsy Jennings:
Made in Oxford