PATRICK V.M.: Abu Dhabi
PATRICK V.M.: fit for several kings
PATRICK V.M.: Highway to Hell.
PATRICK V.M.: Westminster Abbey #1
PATRICK V.M.: majestic stuff
PATRICK V.M.: i'm high, running wild among all the stars above
PATRICK V.M.: Westminster Abbey #2
PATRICK V.M.: taller in more ways
PATRICK V.M.: Westminster Abbey Carvings
PATRICK V.M.: Westminster Abbey #3
PATRICK V.M.: on the road to the throne.
PATRICK V.M.: Abu Dhabi
PATRICK V.M.: poor man in the penthouse
PATRICK V.M.: Vertical Horizon
PATRICK V.M.: Big Ben #1
PATRICK V.M.: Big Ben #2
PATRICK V.M.: Westminster Abbey #4
PATRICK V.M.: The Eiffel Tower
PATRICK V.M.: Big Ben #1
PATRICK V.M.: and that's the way this Wheel keeps working now