Patrick Gensel: winter wonderland
Patrick Gensel: crossing the creek
Patrick Gensel: business calls
Patrick Gensel: thin ice!
Patrick Gensel: testing the strength
Patrick Gensel: gnarled ice
Patrick Gensel: ice formations
Patrick Gensel: rush of water and ice
Patrick Gensel: Midway Crevasse
Patrick Gensel: John at the Crevasse
Patrick Gensel: standing at Midway crevasse
Patrick Gensel: Black Diamond Raven Axe
Patrick Gensel: a particularly diffult piece of trail
Patrick Gensel: Jaws of ice
Patrick Gensel: another wall of ice
Patrick Gensel: Me standing near an ice pilar
Patrick Gensel: Testing the tools
Patrick Gensel: Anyone in there?
Patrick Gensel: John Behind the ice
Patrick Gensel: Frozen wall
Patrick Gensel: The Steps of Ganoga
Patrick Gensel: Top of the fall
Patrick Gensel: Ice from Ganoga
Patrick Gensel: Frozen
Patrick Gensel: large icicle
Patrick Gensel: Me under some icicles
Patrick Gensel: Ganoga
Patrick Gensel: more Ganoga Ice Fall
Patrick Gensel: Ganoga Ice Fall