Patrick Chong KS: Jumping spider (Evarcha flavocincta?) - DSC_9141
Patrick Chong KS: Jumping spider - DSC_9955
Patrick Chong KS: Crab spider - DSC_9174
Patrick Chong KS: Crab spider with prey - DSC_0671
Patrick Chong KS: Crabspider and Hoverfly (Eristalinus megacephalus) - DSC_0532
Patrick Chong KS: Ant mimic crab spider (Amyciaea sp.) - DSC_3116
Patrick Chong KS: Kerengga Ant-like Jumper (Myrmarachne plataleoides) - DSC_0040
Patrick Chong KS: Ant mimic jumping spider (Myrmarachne sp.) - DSC_1461
Patrick Chong KS: Spinybacked orbweaver (Gasteracantha) - DSC_1262
Patrick Chong KS: Orbweaver (Argiope) - DSC_1467
Patrick Chong KS: Orbweaver (Cyclosa sp.) - DSC_1590
Patrick Chong KS: Kidney Garden Spider (Araneus mitificus) - DSC_2599
Patrick Chong KS: St Andrew's Cross spider (Argiope versicolor) - DSC_2956
Patrick Chong KS: Orb weaver (Araneidae) - DSC_2965