Patrick Kovacich: Mr. Mittens, a study in nomenclature
Patrick Kovacich: Mr. Mittens is in the million dollar club
Patrick Kovacich: Philo Prison
Patrick Kovacich: Hole in a box spring
Patrick Kovacich: Cat in a box spring
Patrick Kovacich: First day in the new house
Patrick Kovacich: IMAGE_095
Patrick Kovacich: fluffy and stubby
Patrick Kovacich: mouse doesn't tear people's arms out of their sockets when they lose
Patrick Kovacich: Chewbacca and Sugar
Patrick Kovacich: stubby lil legs
Patrick Kovacich: Chewbacca!
Patrick Kovacich: in the forbidden chair, ignoring its forbiddenness
Patrick Kovacich: cuddling in the dog's bed
Patrick Kovacich: i love this shot
Patrick Kovacich: Chewie Scales the screen door 2
Patrick Kovacich: Chewie Scales the screen door
Patrick Kovacich: wilhelm:1 sugar: 0
Patrick Kovacich: test of picasa2flickr
Patrick Kovacich: wilhelm tries to beat the heat
Patrick Kovacich: chewie tries to beat the heat
Patrick Kovacich: o hai. this mah fluff.