Patrick Dockens: View facing southeast from driveway
Patrick Dockens: View facing east from driveway
Patrick Dockens: View facing northeast from driveway
Patrick Dockens: View facing south from driveway
Patrick Dockens: View facing house just south of our house
Patrick Dockens: View facing north along Hibbert
Patrick Dockens: Looking along north wall of house
Patrick Dockens: Looking at underside of stairs leading up to second floor room
Patrick Dockens: Backyard behind garage
Patrick Dockens: Carpet sticking out under door to second floor room
Patrick Dockens: Pooling water on roof
Patrick Dockens: Facing second floor room from back proch roof
Patrick Dockens: Looking at garage roof
Patrick Dockens: Clutter in gutter
Patrick Dockens: Low areas with pooling water on roof
Patrick Dockens: Wasp nest under house
Patrick Dockens: Rusty pipe near bursting under house
Patrick Dockens: Old termite damage near southwest corner of house
Patrick Dockens: Southeast corner of cellar
Patrick Dockens: North wall of cellar
Patrick Dockens: Stairs into cellar
Patrick Dockens: Inside the garage
Patrick Dockens: Back porch
Patrick Dockens: Driveway along south wall
Patrick Dockens: Hot water heater and washer & dryer hookup
Patrick Dockens: Evidence of the addition (bathroom) on back of house
Patrick Dockens: Door to cellar