Trish P. - K1000 Gal: A Bloomin' Good Time!
Trish P. - K1000 Gal: Spending Time with the People I Love ~ Things That Make Me Happy ~ 15/52
Trish P. - K1000 Gal: Only in the Motor City ~ Detroit, Michigan ~ 22/52
Trish P. - K1000 Gal: Spring has Sprung! ~ 17/52
Trish P. - K1000 Gal: Oh My Lolli! ~ Downtown Brighton Michigan
Trish P. - K1000 Gal: Open ~ Photo Friday Entry #259 and Weekly Photo ~ Colorful ~ 9/52
Trish P. - K1000 Gal: Collecting Sugar Bowls & Creamers - Favorite Things 7/52
Trish P. - K1000 Gal: Frenchie's Famous ~ Traverse City, Michigan
Trish P. - K1000 Gal: Detroit Eastern Market ~ Since 1891
Trish P. - K1000 Gal: Pie Fixes Everything
Trish P. - K1000 Gal: At the Diner ~ In Search of the Best Slider
Trish P. - K1000 Gal: Let's Have a Conversation ~ Love is in the Air ~ 7/52
Trish P. - K1000 Gal: Roll in a Day ~ A Day in a Roll ~ "A Day in the Life"
Trish P. - K1000 Gal: A Day in the Life ~ 25/52
Trish P. - K1000 Gal: A Little Color to Get You Through to Spring!
Trish P. - K1000 Gal: Longing for Color
Trish P. - K1000 Gal: A Hard Day's Night Diptych
Trish P. - K1000 Gal: Spring Garden Flowers