Trish P. - K1000 Gal: Vintage Ornament ~ Parting Christmas 2010 Shot ~ 1/52
Trish P. - K1000 Gal: Catchin' some rays ~ 2/52
Trish P. - K1000 Gal: The View from Here ~ Out My Window 3/52
Trish P. - K1000 Gal: Round Saucer ~ Round Cup ~ Round Candies ~ Circle/Round 4/52
Trish P. - K1000 Gal: Tibetan Prayer/Peace Flags ~ Flag/Flags 5/52
Trish P. - K1000 Gal: Heart Shaped Flowers on a Little Flower Pot ~ Hearts 6/52
Trish P. - K1000 Gal: My Sewing Machine ~ Favorite Things 7/52
Trish P. - K1000 Gal: Collecting Sugar Bowls & Creamers - Favorite Things 7/52
Trish P. - K1000 Gal: Flowers ~ Favorite Things 7/52
Trish P. - K1000 Gal: Dagoba Organic Chocolate ~ Chocolate ~ 8/52
Trish P. - K1000 Gal: Turkish Lantern ~ Colorful ~ 9/52
Trish P. - K1000 Gal: Open ~ Photo Friday Entry #259 and Weekly Photo ~ Colorful ~ 9/52
Trish P. - K1000 Gal: Iron/Tablecloth ~ Vintage ~ 10/52
Trish P. - K1000 Gal: Iron/Tablecloth ~ Vintage ~ 10/52
Trish P. - K1000 Gal: Kitchen Goodies ~ Vintage ~ 10/52
Trish P. - K1000 Gal: Oriental Poppy ~ Green ~ 11/52
Trish P. - K1000 Gal: Kodak Thermos ~ Drinks ~ 12/52
Trish P. - K1000 Gal: Ugly Card Game ~ Window Display ~ 13/52
Trish P. - K1000 Gal: Oh My Lolli! ~ Window Display ~ Brighton Michigan ~ 13/52
Trish P. - K1000 Gal: Stairs.Iron Gate ~ Stairs ~ Brighton Michigan ~ 14/52
Trish P. - K1000 Gal: Stairs.Bricks.Iron Gate ~ Stairs ~ Brighton Michigan ~ 14/52
Trish P. - K1000 Gal: Spending Time with the People I Love ~ Things That Make Me Happy ~ 15/52
Trish P. - K1000 Gal: Coney Joe's ~ What You Should Visit in My Town ~ 16/52
Trish P. - K1000 Gal: Coney Joe's ~ What You Should Visit in My Town ~ 16/52
Trish P. - K1000 Gal: Coney Joe's ~ What You Should Visit in My Town ~ 16/52
Trish P. - K1000 Gal: Mill Pond ~ What You Should Visit in My Town ~ 16/52
Trish P. - K1000 Gal: Pussy Willow ~ 17/52
Trish P. - K1000 Gal: Spring has Sprung! ~ 17/52
Trish P. - K1000 Gal: Geranium at the Window ~ Patterns ~ 18/52
Trish P. - K1000 Gal: Oak Tree in Spring ~ Patterns ~ 18/52