Trish P. - K1000 Gal: Mawby pairing
Trish P. - K1000 Gal: Mawby tasters
Trish P. - K1000 Gal: Mawby Check-in - Crazy Crowded!
Trish P. - K1000 Gal: Mawby Vines in Autumn
Trish P. - K1000 Gal: Ciccone Vineyards - All the way from New Mexico!
Trish P. - K1000 Gal: Black Star Farms tasters
Trish P. - K1000 Gal: A Toast at Gill's Pier
Trish P. - K1000 Gal: Gill's Pier tasters
Trish P. - K1000 Gal: Gill's Pier Winery Welcome - Toast: Give Thanks
Trish P. - K1000 Gal: Bel Lago Gigglers
Trish P. - K1000 Gal: Bel Lago tasters
Trish P. - K1000 Gal: At Bel Lago we were told they are "slow to bottle".
Trish P. - K1000 Gal: Bel Lago Winery
Trish P. - K1000 Gal: Awesome view at Willow even on a cloudy day.
Trish P. - K1000 Gal: Friendly Willow Crew
Trish P. - K1000 Gal: Willow tasters
Trish P. - K1000 Gal: Willow tasters.
Trish P. - K1000 Gal: Willow Pairing: Apple Crumble with Caramel Sauce and a nice white wine.
Trish P. - K1000 Gal: Willow Guests
Trish P. - K1000 Gal: Willow Vineyards & Winery
Trish P. - K1000 Gal: Tasting at Tandem Cider
Trish P. - K1000 Gal: Growler anyone?
Trish P. - K1000 Gal: How about a taste?
Trish P. - K1000 Gal: Having a little tandem fun at Tandem Cider
Trish P. - K1000 Gal: Tandem Pairing: Sliced Apples, Cornbread Drizzled with Honey & Smackintosh Hard Cider
Trish P. - K1000 Gal: Apples & a Growler
Trish P. - K1000 Gal: Tandem Cider