IAMPKM: Headed home from post-xmas Miami jaunt.
IAMPKM: Off to see her first metal band. (It was a bust).
IAMPKM: Pizza date.
IAMPKM: Ride or die.
IAMPKM: First trip to Windrock of 2020.
IAMPKM: Quarantine park escapes.
IAMPKM: Making the best of it.
IAMPKM: Lu in our lockdown tree.
IAMPKM: Fake smile but still gorgeous.
IAMPKM: Lu's tree-pov portrait.
IAMPKM: 41st birthday walkabout date.
IAMPKM: Lockdown is a great time to foster guinea pigs.
IAMPKM: Mocha snuggles.
IAMPKM: Mother of rodents.
IAMPKM: Hotties in the heat.
IAMPKM: Dad hangs.
IAMPKM: A windy day at Windrock.
IAMPKM: Training Simone.
IAMPKM: Mask life.
IAMPKM: Off to meet our kitten!
IAMPKM: Kitten meets Grandma.
IAMPKM: Kitten is home.
IAMPKM: Her name is Moon Cloud but we call her Moon.
IAMPKM: Fuzzy naps.
IAMPKM: Kitten thinks it's a guinea pig.
IAMPKM: Introducing Moon to screentime.
IAMPKM: Kitten days of summer.
IAMPKM: Riding Stuffy.
IAMPKM: Xmas card material!
IAMPKM: Caught a frog!