Pat and Joe: Lémurien
Pat and Joe: Girafes
Pat and Joe: Pélicans
Pat and Joe: Rhinocéros
Pat and Joe: Fauconnier
Pat and Joe: Caracara
Pat and Joe: Vautour
Pat and Joe: Vautour
Pat and Joe: Fauconnier
Pat and Joe: Fauconnier
Pat and Joe: Panthère des Neiges
Pat and Joe: Perroquet
Pat and Joe: Perroquet
Pat and Joe: Perroquet
Pat and Joe: Panthère des Neiges
Pat and Joe: IMG_9159 RC
Pat and Joe: IMG_9145 RC
Pat and Joe: IMG_9141 RC
Pat and Joe: IMG_9098 RC
Pat and Joe: IMG_9092RC
Pat and Joe: IMG_9086 RC
Pat and Joe: IMG_9076 RC
Pat and Joe: Potamochères
Pat and Joe: IMG_9059 RC
Pat and Joe: IMG_9045 RC
Pat and Joe: IMG_9040 RC
Pat and Joe: IMG_9037 RC
Pat and Joe: IMG_9017RC
Pat and Joe: IMG_9014 RC
Pat and Joe: IMG_9011 RC