Patrice Roe: Christmas - Grandma Zikuda and her daughters - 1940s
Patrice Roe: Aunt Cary's Christmas Tree
Patrice Roe: Christmas 1950
Patrice Roe: Roe Christmas 1952
Patrice Roe: Roe Christmas 1950s
Patrice Roe: Roe Christmas - 1960s
Patrice Roe: Roe Christmas - 1960s
Patrice Roe: Roe Christmas
Patrice Roe: Christmas - 1960s
Patrice Roe: Roe Christmas - 1960s
Patrice Roe: Grandma loves her Christmas present!
Patrice Roe: Christmas with my Grandmas - Roe and Zikuda
Patrice Roe: Roe Christmas - Grandma and Dad
Patrice Roe: 1960's Christmas
Patrice Roe: Christmas 1960s - Grandma and her friend Hazel
Patrice Roe: Christmas 1960s
Patrice Roe: Christmas Slumber Party
Patrice Roe: Mom and her Grandsons
Patrice Roe: Christmas decorations
Patrice Roe: Disney Christmas
Patrice Roe: Disney Christmas
Patrice Roe: Disney Christmas
Patrice Roe: Christmas at L.A.'s Union Station
Patrice Roe: Christmas at L.A.'s Union Station
Patrice Roe: Christmas at L.A.'s Union Station
Patrice Roe: Christmas
Patrice Roe: Disney Christmas
Patrice Roe: Disney Christmas
Patrice Roe: Christmas
Patrice Roe: Christmas