Patrice Roe: Night in Los Angeles - 1912
Patrice Roe: A Glimpse of Central Park
Patrice Roe: The Lake - Westlake Park
Patrice Roe: Court House - Hall of Records
Patrice Roe: Broadway - Chamber of Commerce building
Patrice Roe: Broadway at Seventh St. - Hotel Lankershim
Patrice Roe: Broadway at First St. Los Angeles Times building
Patrice Roe: Sky-Line From Y.M.C.A. Building
Patrice Roe: Sky-Line From Y.M.C.A. Building
Patrice Roe: Broadway South From 7th
Patrice Roe: Broadway North From Seventh
Patrice Roe: Broadway North from Seventh St. - Orpheum, California Furniture
Patrice Roe: Central Park Fifth St. - Auditorium
Patrice Roe: Main Street - Pacific Central Station Electric
Patrice Roe: Spring Street
Patrice Roe: American Engraving and Electrotype Company Times-Mirror Printing and Binding House