Patrice Roe: Amana Colonies - Iowa
Patrice Roe: General Store - Amana Colonies - Iowa
Patrice Roe: General Store - Amana Colonies - Iowa
Patrice Roe: Little Red Wagon - Amana Colonies - Iowa
Patrice Roe: Amana Colonies - Iowa
Patrice Roe: Amana Colonies - Iowa
Patrice Roe: The Colony Inn - Amana Colonies - Iowa
Patrice Roe: Colony Inn - Amana Colonies - Iowa
Patrice Roe: Cedar Rapids, Iowa
Patrice Roe: Cedar Rapids - Signs of Progress No. 26 Paramount Theatre
Patrice Roe: Paramount Theater - Cedar Rapids, Iowa
Patrice Roe: Paramount Theater - Cedar Rapids, Iowa
Patrice Roe: The Roosevelt Hotel - Cedar Rapids, Iowa
Patrice Roe: Quaker Oats - Cedar Rapids
Patrice Roe: Cedar Rapids Logo Tree
Patrice Roe: Cedar Rapids, Iowa
Patrice Roe: Cedar Rapids, Iowa
Patrice Roe: Cedar Rapids, Iowa
Patrice Roe: Cedar Rapids, Iowa
Patrice Roe: Cedar Rapids Bridge Historical Tablet & Logo Tree
Patrice Roe: Cedar Rapids Bridge Historical Tablet
Patrice Roe: Cedar Rapids, Iowa
Patrice Roe: Grey Stone - Waterloo, Iowa
Patrice Roe: Grey Stone - Waterloo, Iowa
Patrice Roe: Grey Stone - Waterloo, Iowa
Patrice Roe: Grey Stone - Waterloo, Iowa
Patrice Roe: Dried corn stalks in Iowa field
Patrice Roe: Dried corn stalks in Iowa field
Patrice Roe: Dried corn stalks in Iowa field
Patrice Roe: November corn stalks - Iowa