Patric Roft: Officers saloon Buffeljagsrivier 24_04_91
Patric Roft: Guinness E1759 Howitzer & Chimp 29_04_93
Patric Roft: GMAM & GO on the Montague Pass 27_04_91
Patric Roft: Flying Beast at E-Qasha 26_04_93
Patric Roft: Class 25 Condenser 3511 03_05_91
Patric Roft: Chimp & Waterfall 04_05_93
Patric Roft: 34-601 & 34-607 drag failed GMAM 4122 between Palmer & Belfast 07_05_93
Patric Roft: Meet Sharon from Port Elizabeth
Patric Roft: Drive and Bellow
Patric Roft: Klipplaat hosts Coal Porter
Patric Roft: Bewitched Water Gap
Patric Roft: MA @ COGH
Patric Roft: Bradlows born and bred
Patric Roft: John Ronald Reuel was 'ere