Patomarazul: Reef Scientifico
Patomarazul: West Indian sea egg
Patomarazul: Sand Diver
Patomarazul: Views from top La Machaca Wreck
Patomarazul: Tarpoon close to the surface
Patomarazul: Cubera Snapper
Patomarazul: Rock Beauty
Patomarazul: Bearded fireworm
Patomarazul: Yellow Fin Mojarra
Patomarazul: Brain coral in La Machaca
Patomarazul: Two coneys
Patomarazul: Coney Grouper
Patomarazul: Flame Box Crab
Patomarazul: Stove-Pipe Sponge
Patomarazul: Redspotted hawkfish
Patomarazul: Great Star Coral
Patomarazul: Ridged Cactus Coral
Patomarazul: Rose Lace Coral
Patomarazul: Graysby grouper
Patomarazul: Acanthemblemaria blenny
Patomarazul: Mark in La Machaca
Patomarazul: La Machaca Wreck