Pat's Pics36: Male American Wigeon
Pat's Pics36: Male Mallard Duck
Pat's Pics36: Female Mallard
Pat's Pics36: Bird Sanctuary View & Reflections
Pat's Pics36: Three Cones with Bokeh
Pat's Pics36: Huge Ship Over Marsh
Pat's Pics36: Wood Duck Pair
Pat's Pics36: Red-Winged Blackbird at Feeder
Pat's Pics36: View from Tower
Pat's Pics36: Feeder with Wood Duck, Red-Winged Blackbird & Pigeon
Pat's Pics36: Tug Boat Going By
Pat's Pics36: Wood Duck & Reflection
Pat's Pics36: Wood Duck in Gold
Pat's Pics36: Great Blue Heron & Reflection
Pat's Pics36: Female American Wigeon
Pat's Pics36: Female American Wigeon
Pat's Pics36: Male American Wigeon
Pat's Pics36: Wetlands & Logs View
Pat's Pics36: Wetlands Reflections
Pat's Pics36: Growing On the Water
Pat's Pics36: Male Northern Pintail
Pat's Pics36: Wetlands View
Pat's Pics36: Zig Zag Logs
Pat's Pics36: Male Northern Pintail
Pat's Pics36: American Wigeon Pair
Pat's Pics36: Sandhill Crane
Pat's Pics36: Sandhill Crane Walking
Pat's Pics36: Now That's a Pumpkin Patch!
Pat's Pics36: Wood Duck & Reflection
Pat's Pics36: Tree Swallows preparing to mate