Pat's Pics36: Vern, Beth, Rudy & Pat
Pat's Pics36: Vern & Rudy on Trail
Pat's Pics36: Tiny Lizard - Poss. Side-blotched lizard
Pat's Pics36: Desert Scene Looking South
Pat's Pics36: Palm Tree Totem
Pat's Pics36: Eroded Hills to the South
Pat's Pics36: Jagged Fan Palm Frond
Pat's Pics36: Ghost Tree (actually a Cottonwood)
Pat's Pics36: Wavery Pond Reflections
Pat's Pics36: Eroded Hills to the South
Pat's Pics36: Smoke Tree
Pat's Pics36: Edge of A Fan Palm Frond
Pat's Pics36: California Fan Palms
Pat's Pics36: Desert Seed Pod
Pat's Pics36: Creosote Bush (aka Chaparral) flower & fruit
Pat's Pics36: Just Reflections