Pat's Pics36: Jackal
Pat's Pics36: Mama na Mtoto Rhino
Pat's Pics36: Ngorongoro Crater Hyena
Pat's Pics36: Flamingoes on the Lake
Pat's Pics36: Male Ostrich
Pat's Pics36: Wildebeest (Gnu) Herd
Pat's Pics36: How to Keep Cool
Pat's Pics36: Thomson's Gazelle at Rest
Pat's Pics36: Lioness at Rest
Pat's Pics36: An Eland
Pat's Pics36: Rhino Mom & Baby
Pat's Pics36: Don't Like the Look in Her Eye!
Pat's Pics36: Thomson's Gazelle in Action
Pat's Pics36: Murcheson Falls from Below
Pat's Pics36: Yellow Oleander
Pat's Pics36: Poinsettia Tree
Pat's Pics36: Red Australian Gum Tree Blossoms
Pat's Pics36: Flowers & Young Bananas
Pat's Pics36: Red Lily
Pat's Pics36: Pink Oleander
Pat's Pics36: Yellow Frangipani
Pat's Pics36: Wild Desert Rose (Kenya)
Pat's Pics36: Poinsettia Macro
Pat's Pics36: What Bliss!
Pat's Pics36: Old Arab Door at the Zanzibar Hotel
Pat's Pics36: Golden Palm Weaver (Female)
Pat's Pics36: African Firefinch (Male)
Pat's Pics36: Golden Palm Weaver (Female)
Pat's Pics36: Red-cheeked Cordon-bleu (Male )