Pat's Pics36: March 31-April 1/08 - Birch Bay NACO
Pat's Pics36: Birch Bay NACO
Pat's Pics36: Poor Old Barn north of Birch Bay
Pat's Pics36: Bellis perennis (Common Daisy)
Pat's Pics36: The Lowly Dandelion
Pat's Pics36: Lily of the Valley Bush (Pieris 'Forest flame')
Pat's Pics36: Wasp on Flowers
Pat's Pics36: Lily of the Valley Bush (Pieris 'Forest flame')
Pat's Pics36: Bumblebee in Action
Pat's Pics36: Bumblebee in Mid-Air
Pat's Pics36: Birch Bay State Park
Pat's Pics36: Curled Bark & Shadow
Pat's Pics36: Curled Bark
Pat's Pics36: Barking Up A Tree
Pat's Pics36: Barking Up A Tree
Pat's Pics36: Mother Nature's Recycling
Pat's Pics36: White Primroses
Pat's Pics36: Reaching for the Sky
Pat's Pics36: Upside Down Bumblebee
Pat's Pics36: Old Barn on SR 548
Pat's Pics36: Old Barn on Hwy 548
Pat's Pics36: Teasel
Pat's Pics36: Weed Designs
Pat's Pics36: Damselfly - Probably a Common Blue-tail
Pat's Pics36: Blue Wildflower - ID Anybody??
Pat's Pics36: An Old Beauty
Pat's Pics36: Dripping Sap
Pat's Pics36: Female Deer
Pat's Pics36: Weathered Barn (or house?)