Pat's Pics36: Ice Sculpture from a STOP Sign
Pat's Pics36: The Beauty of Rural Mail Delivery
Pat's Pics36: Dec 25/08 The best laid plans . . .
Pat's Pics36: Reactions to Winter Weather - Dog . . .
Pat's Pics36: Wake Me Up When Winter Is Over!
Pat's Pics36: Saved!
Pat's Pics36: Dec 31/08 What a difference 5 days can make
Pat's Pics36: Jan 5/09 Song Sparrow
Pat's Pics36: Jan 5/09 White-crowned Sparrow
Pat's Pics36: Jan 9/09 Thank you USA?
Pat's Pics36: A Moment of Glory in the Life of a Weed
Pat's Pics36: Frozen Holly
Pat's Pics36: All Dressed Up But Just Hanging Around
Pat's Pics36: YUK! Snow!
Pat's Pics36: Looking Out Our Window!!
Pat's Pics36: Little Robin Red-breast Doing a Balancing Act in the Wind
Pat's Pics36: Brrr! I Thought Spring Was Here!
Pat's Pics36: Morning After the Storm
Pat's Pics36: Snow's Hanging Around
Pat's Pics36: Mt. Cheam Newly Dressed!
Pat's Pics36: Goblins In The Garden
Pat's Pics36: Sun & Shadow on Snow
Pat's Pics36: Shapely Snow in the Sun
Pat's Pics36: Decorated Tree Limbs
Pat's Pics36: Zig-Zag Fence
Pat's Pics36: Footprints in the Snow
Pat's Pics36: Mill Lake Ice Sculptures
Pat's Pics36: Mill Lake Ice Sculpture - a Giant Mosquito perhaps?
Pat's Pics36: Mill Lake Ice Sculptures - Bow Tie? Butterfly?
Pat's Pics36: Mill Lake Ice Sculptures - Jellyfish & Birds?