Patlees: Happy Thanksgiving to all....
Patlees: Textured Autumn Bowl...
Patlees: Fall at the River....(Explored)
Patlees: Pumpkin in the Grass....
Patlees: Chital Deer in Autumn...
Patlees: Whimsical Pekin Duck...
Patlees: Northern Mockingbird...Tennessee State Bird. (Explored)
Patlees: Woodpecker with water drop...(Explored)
Patlees: Our beautiful State Bird...
Patlees: Barbary Sheep Wading in Water. Color.
Patlees: Black & White Aoudad
Patlees: A Little Lonesome Dove...(Explored)
Patlees: Ford 1928-1930 Model A....
Patlees: Bison....(Explored)
Patlees: Greater Rhea with chick....
Patlees: Ankole Watusi Cattle....(Explored)
Patlees: Stepping Down....
Patlees: Canada Goose and Mallard...(Explored)
Patlees: Two White Tailed Deer....
Patlees: Horses in a Meadow....(Explored)
Patlees: Horses in a Dream Pasture...
Patlees: Golden Lab....(Explored)
Patlees: Axis Buck Deer...
Patlees: Just a pretty Goat...
Patlees: Hydrangea Textured...
Patlees: Hydrangea...
Patlees: Stargazer Lilly.....
Patlees: Billy.....
Patlees: Salvia Bush.....
Patlees: Muscari.....