Patlees: Waiting for a Soldier....
Patlees: Sleepin' Reb...
Patlees: A Rebel officer...
Patlees: A Yankee officer...
Patlees: Camp site...HFF
Patlees: Kitchen...
Patlees: Old Southern General....
Patlees: Rebel Yell....
Patlees: Holding on...
Patlees: Artwork seller...
Patlees: Blacksmith..
Patlees: Forward men...
Patlees: Dresswear...1863
Patlees: Dresswear...1863....HFF
Patlees: Can we go yet?
Patlees: Preparing supper in 1863...
Patlees: Cooking slave....
Patlees: Ladies in hoops...
Patlees: Slave quarters...
Patlees: Latta Plantation...
Patlees: The boys in gray....
Patlees: The boys in blue...
Patlees: War deaths...
Patlees: Loading up...
Patlees: Fire!!
Patlees: Weapons and Boots...
Patlees: The Old Confederate Soldier....