Patlees: Battle for freedom...
Patlees: Battle at Guilford Courthouse..
Patlees: 2nd North Carolina Regiment...
Patlees: Battle horses..
Patlees: 3rd Continental Light Dragoons...
Patlees: 3rd Continental Light Dragoons
Patlees: Drummers call...
Patlees: Young Fifer..
Patlees: British Foot Soldier...
Patlees: Cannons transport...
Patlees: Firing the cannons...
Patlees: Delaware Infantry...
Patlees: South Carolina Regiment...
Patlees: Lt. Colonel Henry Lee's Legion....
Patlees: Henry Lee's Legion..
Patlees: The British Royal Welch Fusiliers...
Patlees: Royal Welch and North Carolina..
Patlees: 42nd Royal Highland Regiment...
Patlees: The Scots up in smoke...
Patlees: Campground...
Patlees: Followers..
Patlees: Death of a Delaware soldier...
Patlees: Saber drawn...Light Dragoon
Patlees: A Nation Born....
Patlees: The Fife and Drum...
Patlees: Revolutionary War Militia