pjarrettphoto: Charlottesville "Capital of the Resistance"
pjarrettphoto: Charlottesville "Capital of the Resistance"
pjarrettphoto: Charlottesville "Capital of the Resistance"
pjarrettphoto: Charlottesville "Capital of the Resistance"
pjarrettphoto: Charlottesville "Capital of the Resistance"
pjarrettphoto: Lee Jackson Day 2017
pjarrettphoto: Lee Jackson Day
pjarrettphoto: Lee Jackson Day
pjarrettphoto: Lee Jackson Day 2015
pjarrettphoto: Lee Jackson Day 2015
pjarrettphoto: Lee Jackson Day 2015
pjarrettphoto: Lee Jackson Day 2015
pjarrettphoto: Lee-Jackson Day 2014
pjarrettphoto: Unite the Right
pjarrettphoto: Unite the Right
pjarrettphoto: Unite the Right
pjarrettphoto: Unite the Right
pjarrettphoto: Unite the Right
pjarrettphoto: Unite the Right
pjarrettphoto: Unite the Right
pjarrettphoto: Unite the Right
pjarrettphoto: Unite the Right
pjarrettphoto: Unite the Right
pjarrettphoto: Lee Statue Shrouded
pjarrettphoto: Lee Statue Shrouded
pjarrettphoto: Lee Statue Shrouded
pjarrettphoto: Lee Statue Shrouded
pjarrettphoto: Unite the Right