Patinagal: Purina Chows
Patinagal: Purina Chows up close
Patinagal: Keyser Coal & Trucking
Patinagal: Greeley beauty
Patinagal: cornice
Patinagal: cornice
Patinagal: cornice
Patinagal: Torrington theater
Patinagal: mining relic
Patinagal: after the storm, Lander, WY
Patinagal: farm geometry
Patinagal: bricked complexity
Patinagal: Nunn Motor Co.
Patinagal: don't shoot
Patinagal: so many stripes
Patinagal: City Water Dept
Patinagal: sheet metal heaven
Patinagal: shaded barn
Patinagal: my favorite barn
Patinagal: more is more
Patinagal: sit a spell
Patinagal: a matter of stripes
Patinagal: drive thru on Center Avenue
Patinagal: yellow barn
Patinagal: Desky Hotel
Patinagal: presence
Patinagal: pink beauties
Patinagal: mining relic
Patinagal: mining geometry
Patinagal: sheet metal geometry