patient_0: Allie Sun
patient_0: Dark Glasses 01
patient_0: Dark Glasses 02
patient_0: Dark Glasses 03
patient_0: Sunlight is Cruel and Unusual.
patient_0: YESSSSSSSSSsssssSSSS?
patient_0: Horns.
patient_0: I will gore you bitch!
patient_0: Narcosis
patient_0: Group Photo + ME (for a change)
patient_0: Allie's about to feed Chris like a baby bird, or something.
patient_0: Comics
patient_0: Que?
patient_0: Huh?
patient_0: Serious...
patient_0: Gartcha!
patient_0: Ryan's arse meets the singularity of Actionhero's black hole/couch combo.
patient_0: Action 01. Look at JC, tryin' to hide.
patient_0: Skies Over PC
patient_0: Anansi Impostor
patient_0: My Gay Kittie
patient_0: Couplesesesesesses
patient_0: S33 U !N H311
patient_0: Dragonfly
patient_0: Chris thinks "labia" sounds oh so funny
patient_0: The look so innocent as they sleep...
patient_0: ...NOT!
patient_0: Braiiiiiins.......