Pathology Outlines:
Angiolymphatic invasion
Pathology Outlines:
Post-chemotherapy biopsy
Pathology Outlines:
Her-2 protein score 3+
Pathology Outlines:
Figure 1, 10x
Pathology Outlines:
Figure 2, 20x
Pathology Outlines:
GCDFP-15, 20x
Pathology Outlines:
AR expression, 20x
Pathology Outlines:
Her2 protein, 20x
Pathology Outlines:
HER2 gene, CISH
Pathology Outlines:
Estrogen receptor, 20x
Pathology Outlines:
HER2 gene, CISH 2
Pathology Outlines:
Paget's disease of the breast, 20x
Pathology Outlines:
Paget's disease of the breast, DCIS associated with Paget's disease
Pathology Outlines:
Paget's disease of the breast, HER2
Pathology Outlines:
Paget's disease of the breast, CK8 expression in DCIS associated with Paget's disease
Pathology Outlines:
Paget's disease of the breast, CK8 expression
Pathology Outlines:
Paget's disease of the breast, HER2 in DCIS associated with Paget's disease
Pathology Outlines:
Paget's disease of the breast, S100 expression
Pathology Outlines:
Paget's disease of the breast, Estrogen receptor alpha expression in DCIS
Pathology Outlines:
Basal-like breast cancer, ER expression
Pathology Outlines:
Basal-like breast cancer, 40x
Pathology Outlines:
Basal-like breast cancer, Central Necrosis
Pathology Outlines:
Basal-like breast cancer, inflammatory response, periphery
Pathology Outlines:
Basal-like breast cancer, S100 expression
Pathology Outlines:
Basal-like breast cancer, Cytokeratin 7 expression
Pathology Outlines:
Basal-like breast cancer, Cytokeratin 14 expression
Pathology Outlines:
Basal-like breast cancer, Cytokeratin 5-6 expression
Pathology Outlines:
Basal-like breast cancer
Pathology Outlines:
Neuroendocrine carcinoma of the breast
Pathology Outlines:
Neuroendocrine carcinoma of the breast