gainesp2003: Peregrine Falcon!
gainesp2003: Respendent Quetzal!
gainesp2003: Northern Emerald Toucanet
gainesp2003: Grebe with Pipefish
gainesp2003: Red-legged Honeycreeper!
gainesp2003: Bright-rumped Atilla
gainesp2003: Peregrines
gainesp2003: The Handoff...
gainesp2003: Peregrine and Shadow
gainesp2003: Sanderlings, Point Reyes National Seashore, California
gainesp2003: Western Grebe
gainesp2003: "Tiny"
gainesp2003: On Display
gainesp2003: Full Display!
gainesp2003: Night Roost
gainesp2003: Greater Prairie Chicken
gainesp2003: Yellow Warbler
gainesp2003: On the Hunt
gainesp2003: Great Egret
gainesp2003: Catch of the Day!
gainesp2003: Up Periscope!
gainesp2003: Fly-by!
gainesp2003: Ferruginous Hawk
gainesp2003: Lazuli Bunting
gainesp2003: Northern Hawk Owl
gainesp2003: Huffing and Puffing!
gainesp2003: Townshend's Warbler
gainesp2003: Townshend's Warbler
gainesp2003: Prairie Falcon
gainesp2003: Dinosaurs...