patchouly (pedro baganha): i've w ted for this all my l fe
patchouly (pedro baganha): the metro story: don't mind the gap
patchouly (pedro baganha): the metro story: the span
patchouly (pedro baganha): the metro story: late evening fast pace
patchouly (pedro baganha): the metro story: the girl and the escalator
patchouly (pedro baganha): the kid, the dog and the alley
patchouly (pedro baganha): parallel shot 2
patchouly (pedro baganha): parallel shot 1
patchouly (pedro baganha): urban scouts posing for someone else
patchouly (pedro baganha): six human figures, one seagul, one ball
patchouly (pedro baganha): e a cidade será o nosso cobertor
patchouly (pedro baganha): o fado da viela
patchouly (pedro baganha): longa é a espera