Potomac Appalachian Trail Club:
DSCN3928 View from Footbridge of Confluence of Potomac and Shenandoah Rivers
Potomac Appalachian Trail Club:
DSCN3929 Uprooted tree on towpath 200 yards upstream of Rt. 340 bridge
Potomac Appalachian Trail Club:
DSCN3930 Uprooted tree on towpath 200 yards upstream of Rt. 340 bridge
Potomac Appalachian Trail Club:
DSCN3931 RR Culvert gullywasher after raking rocks off towpath
Potomac Appalachian Trail Club:
DSCN3932 RR Culvert gullywasher after raking rocks off towpath
Potomac Appalachian Trail Club:
DSCN3933 Culvert berm wall collapse?
Potomac Appalachian Trail Club:
DSCN3934 Same culvert, river side wall intact
Potomac Appalachian Trail Club:
DSCN3935 Culvert berm wall collapse?
Potomac Appalachian Trail Club:
DSCN3936 New Weverton Xing pavement and stone