Patcard: Blue Angels
Patcard: Fat Albert
Patcard: Engine start
Patcard: Fat Albert Taxing out for departure to the show
Patcard: Star Spangled Banner
Patcard: Blue Angels Ramp Ceremony
Patcard: The planes are ready
Patcard: Marching and Saluting
Patcard: Fat Albert climbing out!
Patcard: Strapping in
Patcard: Ground crew starting them up
Patcard: Ready to Rock and Roll
Patcard: Blue Angel One pulls forward
Patcard: Blue Angel One
Patcard: Blue Angel One with Two pulling behind
Patcard: Two Hornets
Patcard: Give me a hell yeah!
Patcard: Oh yeah!
Patcard: Fat Albert High Speed pass
Patcard: Combat Landing
Patcard: Fat Albert
Patcard: Blue Angels Returning to YYZ
Patcard: Blue Angel One
Patcard: Blue Angel Two
Patcard: Blue Angel Three
Patcard: Blue Angel 4
Patcard: Blue Angel 5
Patcard: Blue Angel 6
Patcard: Turning Final!