patart00: nightmare
patart00: dare you enter
patart00: tickets at the ready
patart00: before they had colour tvs.
patart00: left right up and down
patart00: get to the top and then where
patart00: sort of the rule of thirds
patart00: corner step
patart00: waiting
patart00: cutting through the cloud
patart00: ramrod
patart00: leaning pole of pudding mill
patart00: peaking
patart00: the sun shines through
patart00: railing
patart00: mesh
patart00: waffle
patart00: long way to go
patart00: hopscotch
patart00: almost there
patart00: there
patart00: going down
patart00: going down (wonky)
patart00: two again (as ever)
patart00: curved
patart00: setting sun
patart00: grip it tight
patart00: bright light
patart00: sun in the holes
patart00: take me home