Pat Arnow: Ferry Wake
Pat Arnow: Nova Scotia B&B
Pat Arnow: Nova Scotia B&B
Pat Arnow: B&B Breakfast
Pat Arnow: Mahone Bay Restaurant
Pat Arnow: Lacy B&B
Pat Arnow: Trouble
Pat Arnow: Pet Cemetery
Pat Arnow: Peggy's Cove and tourists
Pat Arnow: Peggy's Cove
Pat Arnow: Maud Lewis sad cat
Pat Arnow: Maud Lewis painting
Pat Arnow: Big Cow, Little Car
Pat Arnow: Maud Lewis's tiny house.
Pat Arnow: decorating a modest home.
Pat Arnow: Old and New in Halifax
Pat Arnow: You could hike barefoot!
Pat Arnow: Grassy trail
Pat Arnow: Destination park bench
Pat Arnow: Hiking in bare feet
Pat Arnow: Flowers, grate
Pat Arnow: Doll looks at pitcher dubiously.
Pat Arnow: We bought a lobster
Pat Arnow: Lobster man
Pat Arnow: Meat Cove
Pat Arnow: Lilac eager to join me
Pat Arnow: My traveling companions
Pat Arnow: He thought so
Pat Arnow: Giovanni Cabota
Pat Arnow: Cabot Provincial Park