pasto: Smiling all the way to the top
pasto: Ego on the way up
pasto: Gunsil and ego rocks
pasto: Gunsil
pasto: Hiking
pasto: What way now?
pasto: 300 sight
pasto: Lysefjord
pasto: Jiiiiiiiihaaaaaaaaaaaa
pasto: Just another jump
pasto: Trying a Teigen
pasto: Having a look
pasto: Tour buddies
pasto: Looking fine
pasto: Making lunch
pasto: Chef of hotdogs
pasto: Hot dog
pasto: Preikestolen
pasto: Jump shot - Gunsil
pasto: Stretching out
pasto: Going high
pasto: Lysefjord
pasto: Gunsil at the edge
pasto: Taking a break
pasto: Assumed the Preikestolen position
pasto: Gunsil
pasto: Phuuu 600 m down
pasto: Gunsil
pasto: Gunsil relaxing
pasto: Ego scared again