Mac Girl: Napkins?
Mac Girl: The Downy Woodpecker
Mac Girl: Get My Good Side!
Mac Girl: What's this, no cashews?!
Mac Girl: Gadzooks!
Mac Girl: Thank You, Miss!
Mac Girl: Thug Life
Mac Girl: Signs Of Spring
Mac Girl: Mr. Bill
Mac Girl: The Bluebird of Happiness
Mac Girl: Bird On A Wire
Mac Girl: Mmm, Crunchy!
Mac Girl: Dark-Eyed Junco
Mac Girl: Morning Promise
Mac Girl: Wind Breaker
Mac Girl: The Yardbirds
Mac Girl: Great Egret
Mac Girl: Lookout
Mac Girl: Awkward Moment...
Mac Girl: Focused
Mac Girl: So I said, "Gladys," I said, "…if I want my road kill cooked I'll leave it on the pavement longer!"
Mac Girl: Hoo Are Yoo?
Mac Girl: They Call Me Mr. Bill
Mac Girl: Perched
Mac Girl: Kehaar
Mac Girl: A Quiet Place
Mac Girl: WHO are YOU?
Mac Girl: Untouched
Mac Girl: Raptor
Mac Girl: Screech