*MaryElise*: summer vacation
*MaryElise*: lazy days
*MaryElise*: i imagined i had a garden
*MaryElise*: ...I hope she remembers the almonds this weekend...
*MaryElise*: jersey blues
*MaryElise*: blueberry honey
*MaryElise*: more squirrels!
*MaryElise*: summer morning
*MaryElise*: happy thursday!
*MaryElise*: baby blues
*MaryElise*: "I think I can maybe fit one or two more..."
*MaryElise*: The dearest events are summer-rain
*MaryElise*: bumble, bumble....
*MaryElise*: vineyard season
*MaryElise*: more bumbling
*MaryElise*: picnic at the vineyard
*MaryElise*: a place by the sea
*MaryElise*: NO swimming
*MaryElise*: every flower is a soul blossoming in nature
*MaryElise*: the last days of summer
*MaryElise*: I once had a garden filled with flowers that grew only on dark thoughts but they need constant attention & one day I decided I had better things to do.
*MaryElise*: *there is always one moment in childhood when the door opens and lets the future in*
*MaryElise*: one more Happy afternoon