// P*: ..حبيبتي
// P*: Sometimes I don't understand myself.
// P*: — Emily Bronte, Wuthering Heights.
// P*: The Great Divide.
// P*: .شفيقة
// P*: I crave space.
// P*: Take me, I am the drug; take me, I am hallucinogenic.
// P*: A room for happiness.
// P*: I love you Andy.
// P*: I am lovely and lonely and I belong deeply to myself.
// P*: Little dreamer.
// P*: How good do you have to be?!
// P*: Just wait.
// P*: Chinese.
// P*: Nervous.
// P*: 1936.
// P*: I’m full of love, and nobody wants it.
// P*: 007.
// P*: huh.
// P*: No. [E X P L O R E D]
// P*: Soon.
// P*: Float. [E X P L O R E D]
// P*: 30.
// P*: Young & Dead.
// P*: And the sky fell..
// P*: ..غدِ
// P*: .لأ
// P*: Shhh..
// P*: Lonesome moon.