Jesus Solana Poegraphy:
Inma's splash!
Jesus Solana Poegraphy:
night at the Gent's channels/ Noche enlos canales de Gante
Jesus Solana Poegraphy:
A sparrow's holidays / Vacaciones de un gorrión
Jesus Solana Poegraphy:
Welcome 2008!!! / Bienvenido 2008!!!
Jesus Solana Poegraphy:
Pirueta / Pirouette
Jesus Solana Poegraphy:
The Chosen / La Elegida
Jesus Solana Poegraphy:
A Texeira /La Tejedora/ The weavers loom
Jesus Solana Poegraphy:
Divine Vision II / Vision Divina II
Jesus Solana Poegraphy:
Gotcha! / Te pillé!
Jesus Solana Poegraphy:
Divine Vision / Vision Divina
Jesus Solana Poegraphy:
Here I goooo !! / Que vooooy!! Jumping experiment (part I)
Jesus Solana Poegraphy:
My twelve string's passion/ Mi pasión de doce cuerdas
Jesus Solana Poegraphy:
The wet waste basket / La papelera mojada
Jesus Solana Poegraphy:
The blue veil / El velo azul
Jesus Solana Poegraphy:
il Padrino
Jesus Solana Poegraphy:
Coffee? / Un cafetito?
Jesus Solana Poegraphy:
Roofs / tejados
Jesus Solana Poegraphy:
At last alone! / Al fin solos!
Jesus Solana Poegraphy:
Don't touch me! / No me toques
Jesus Solana Poegraphy:
Monk's Loneliness / La soledad del monje