wih00522: DSCF6178
光影匠人: 悠悠未必爾,聊樂我所然。
Terry.N: DSC_9018_1
Gus Kilpatrick: Thompson River
andy.sheppard: DSC_9818-b
Jack-56: _8500246 - Tout est bon
Jack-56: _7005221- Un arbre, un pot
Jack-56: _7005150
Jack-56: _7005149
Imperfect-Photography: The power of the sea!
ha*voc: twins
ludwig.roemer: Oberdamüls
Luca Cesari: Genova
typograph030: R0002451
StuConFlo: Southern Baptist
Scrufftie: Fishing Tackle
Scrufftie: Glass Bricks
maryland_photos: USCapitolBuilding
Al Durer: boarded up shop
ha*voc: **
street level: Window View
street level: Blowing Smoke
street level: Gazing at the Gowanus