Tanner Pasco: Garter Snake
Tanner Pasco: Curious Baby Bunny
Tanner Pasco: Black sheep
Tanner Pasco: Mute Swan #1
Tanner Pasco: Mallard Duck
Tanner Pasco: Mother and lamb
Tanner Pasco: Posing Meerkat
Tanner Pasco: Sleepy Koala
Tanner Pasco: Ruby-Throated HummingBird
Tanner Pasco: Are you talking to me?
Tanner Pasco: Black Face Sheep
Tanner Pasco: Gentoo Penguin
Tanner Pasco: Curious Chipmunk
Tanner Pasco: Two sides to a story
Tanner Pasco: Gelada Baboon
Tanner Pasco: The Raven
Tanner Pasco: Scottish sheep
Tanner Pasco: Eurasian Magpie
Tanner Pasco: Maine Mink
Tanner Pasco: Let light shine out of darkness
Tanner Pasco: Juvenile Yellow-Crowned Night-Heron
Tanner Pasco: Green and Brown Anole
Tanner Pasco: American Alligator
Tanner Pasco: Sneaking in the Garden
Tanner Pasco: Time passes as a fast as a Hummingbird flutters
Tanner Pasco: Wandering Black Bear
Tanner Pasco: Armadillo on the move
Tanner Pasco: Tri Colored Heron
Tanner Pasco: Curious Barred Owl
Tanner Pasco: Leader of the herd